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Undressed #2 - Choan Gálvez

Score (tablature and notation) and audio recording of Undressed #2, written for ukulele with scordatura and optional drone by Choan Gálvez. Performance by Choan Gálvez (ukulele) and Solo Va (electronics, drums, and production).

"Echoes of European minimalism resonate in this new work by Choan Galvez. However, as always, everything happens in the composer's unmistakable style, which is so attentive to the expressive potential of the ukulele and its idiomatic characteristics."— Giovanni Albini

Printable PDF file, A4, 4 pages. MP3 file, 3'25", 6.30MiB.
ISMN: 979-0-805446-71-4

Recording also available on Bandcamp and streaming platforms.

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